The spiritualized images are made of Earth and seasoned with soil The native land. I weave, binding, generations of fellow countrymen. A free new look at folk art based on the traditions and skills of the ancestors.
I inspire everyone to find freedom within themselves. Consciously weave your own future.
I help you feel an inextricable connection with previous generations, folk traditions and the land To find a strong foothold inside. Let national traditions develop and evolve.
I study and appreciate folk traditions. I have a deep sense of respect for the beliefs of my ancestors. I sincerely love the traditional crafts of Russia. I consider this to be the basis for the development of modern Russian art. By weaving the memory of folk traditions and national culture into my works, I maintain a kind of bridge between the past and the present in order to confidently grow and develop in the future. I create new modern artistic solutions that contain codes of cultural and historical memory of Russia.
I believe that preserving the memory of ancestral traditions is the foundation for us as a multidimensional person.
I believe that the revival of ties between generations and the preservation of the memory of the folk traditions of the Native land is the basis for the evolution of a multidimensional person.
We are made of memories. The memory of my childhood is what helps me find support in the instability of the present.
I feel so much love and warmth in these memories, so much comfort and simplicity of rural life, the smell of a sauna and mown hay, proximity to nature and something real. I have carefully preserved the household utensils, knitted rugs, shawls and down shawls. Now for me it is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for life and creativity.
I weave soulful images from the bowels of the earth, which awaken artistic memory, interest in the history of my region and help to gain support, confidence in the present, to feel connected with my ancestors, with the rich cultural and historical heritage of Russia.
My art is for those who sincerely love and accept the history, nature, and Spirit of their Native land. He highly values freedom, strives for progress and evolution. He respects his family and feels a deep sense of gratitude for all the Gifts of Life.
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